esp/ltd kh se for sale

esp/ltd kh se for sale
hi guys realy didden't know where to put this add , but i'm selling my brandnew unplayed esp ltd kh se greenburst and comes with case i live in belgium so people who are interested know upfront if the want to buy this i did ship it from the states myself a few month ago just as a collector's guitar for my metal room , and has been sitting it its case till now , even has the plastiek cover foil on pick-ups ect , don't play any guitar !! but i wanted to , and just bought myself e grey truckster so it's up for sale because i didden't want to ruin the greenburst trying it now it's on sale for someone who will apreciate the guitar and will use or desplay it about price feel free to make a fair offer , and for pics and more info please drop me a PM thanks very much regards thierry

Spam thread ;)

Thanks for the email address though, we're all gonna send you gay porn images now!


sorry edited my post



your GF looks a lot younger then you man! Congrats! :D

ESP 348

your GF looks a lot younger then you man! Congrats! :D

Lol, use his email address to access his Facebook page? :D


Really slow boring day for me. His GF is kinda hot though in a cute way!


yes she a lot younger , but i have her she's in your dreams assholle

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very mature guys , go wank yourself

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I said congrats.... do you want some more praise?. There's a dedicated SPAM thread for you to advertise your guitar, as I said in the first post. You're a very hostile person Mr. Eecloo. You're lucky it isn't a respectable member you are getting agro with :D


well sorry if i came on to hard and apologies ! and looked over the "spam" thing in regards of selling the guitar
but the thing is i get a lot of crap about my younger girlfriend and this even after more than 2 years of being with her , so i get anoid very fast when it's that time again
psorry again if i said something wrong


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Post the dogfood bowl picture :D. Can only see one puppy though!


Pics of gf or I will be anoid.

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