Lynch Search

Sr Shred
Ok guys I have been all over ebay and cant find a damn thing that I want..Looking for a Lynch Bengal mainly but would consider most Lynch models. A sweet Kami would be nice..Any one selling in the states??

What price range are you trying to stay in? Would you want an LTD GL600 tiger?

Sr Shred

I would prefer the sunburst version compared to the yellow and black but what are you asking?? Its bonus time were I work so I have a some $$$$ to spend LOL

Sr Shred

Ohhhhhhhh yea that's the one I am looking for..Must have just listed it didnt see that this morning..Thanks so much.


Ask the seller about the pickup and the trem. He says it's a Demon, but it doesn't look like a demon. The trem is a Floyd, but I can't tell what it says under that. Looks like it's in really good shape. Especially for the price.


It says 'original', which is period-correct for that guitar. Once Kramer (who marketed all Floyd trems) folded, I'm pretty sure Fender took over and started adding the 'original' stamp on there.

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