Long or Short Controls for Eclipse


Hey everyone,

I'm interested in installing the EMG ZW Set in my LTD Eclipse 256FM and noticed on the EMG website there's two options "Short Standard 10mm" or "Long 19mm"

Do any of you happen to know the correct fit?

Thanks for your time and take care.


The short set for an Eclipse.

Pushead wrote:

The short set for an Eclipse.

Thanks! Do you also know if its able to fit the short pots, buss, plus the battery in the cavity of the EC-256FM?


It shouldn't be a problem. I've put batteries and the electronics into smaller cavities than that.

Pushead wrote:

It shouldn't be a problem. I've put batteries and the electronics into smaller cavities than that.

Thanks again! Looking forward to trying the 85 for the first time.

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