next guitar:mh-1000,jh-600,h-1000

i have a m-1000 and dig so i'm thinking of another ltd. eyeing mh-1000, h-1000, or jh-600. all three are about the same with minor differences. my question is does one stand out and why? i want an 85 81 set up on this guitar and the fr bridge. never played a kahler bridge(the jh-600) any thoughts? i don't have real life access to them so any experiences would be helpfull

I personally love the mh1000 guitar. I just got the floyd rose with emg model after owning the string thru model. I love it, the neck is very comfortable and they aren't very heavy. Personally the string thru model I prefer but the floyd model is killer and in person they're very beautiful guitars. I would like black or cream binding instead of the abablone but the feel and tone is there so who cares. The floyd will now join my string thru for gigging where I've found them to be really stable for import guitars. The weather in Wisconsin is a true test for guitars lol


mh1000 NT...mine..spam

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I like Floyds... Also like JH's... So if you can track down a JH with a Floyd, go for it.


my vote is the jh600, I prefer kahlers so I have two of these guitars

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