New Guy/New Guitar

New Guy/New Guitar
Just wanted to say hello. New to the forum as well as ESP/LDT guitars. I've been playing off and on for almost 30 years now. I've owned many very nice guitars. The very expensive and the not so expensive. I'm not a die hard fan of any manufacturer. I play what appeals to the eye and if it strikes a chord I take it home. Long story short, I traded a DR-880 for an LTD EC-256 AVT, literally without playing the guitar first. I never do this with the exception of mail-orders. Anyway the guitar looked a 1000 times better in person than in any picture I'd seen. I always wanted a gold top and the worn finish was the kicker. Yea, not very realistic, but cool none the less! I wanted a beater to jump around and thrash with. I have to say after a few small tweaks, I'm thoroughly impressed with every aspect of this $400 guitar! Way to go ESP! Now I'm in the market for a higher end actual ESP. If the little guys are this nice, the big boys have to be awesome.

Welcome. I know what you mean about wanting to have a beater you don't have to worry about dinging up. Good call.


Welcome and congrats. Sweet axe man.
I am gassing for a deluxe gold top.
Enjoy your stay


Any thoughts on this guys? I'm gassing hard. I may dump a Dean FBD to get it. If I do, I'll probably add a single coil and a Killswitch. I think the bucker is a little "airy" for my taste so I'd probably replace it too.

Borked Bob

Post pictures goddamnit..


Welcome dude! I am a rookie here myself, having defected from the Gib$on camp. I had a similar revelation when I played my first Viper-401FM and I am hooked too! Now I am on a quest to get a EC-1000 Deluxe.

I posted pics on the "Post your LTD Here" thread but there was a bit of a flame war going on so it got lost in the shuffle.


Welcome! I bought one last year for exactly the same reason, and I've completely fallen in love with it, It's taken everything I've thrown at it (that is to say, everything I've thrown it at). Although, do NOT expect the finish on the back to last, mine has more genuine wear than fake wear, but if you wanted something that's gonna start off looking beaten to shit, and only gets worse, it's perfect.


Welcome! I bought one last year for exactly the same reason, and I've completely fallen in love with it, It's taken everything I've thrown at it (that is to say, everything I've thrown it at). Although, do NOT expect the finish on the back to last, mine has more genuine wear than fake wear, but if you wanted something that's gonna start off looking beaten to shit, and only gets worse, it's perfect.

Hells yea!

Pics are coming. Gotta do it from home.

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Ya they are, love that ltd m-300fm. Feels like a good piece of furniture. And I mean that in a good way.

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