New Member

Hey All, I am new to the forum and ESP/ LTD guitars for that matter. I just picked up an LTD ec401vf. I am picking up playing again after 12 years of not even touching a guitar. Did I make a good choice or should I have bought something else? This is the first guitar that is not a gibson or epi that I have ever owned. Feel like a first time player starting out all over again. Any help would be appreciated.

Excellent choice! LTD's are great guitars. I've owned several throughout my 17 years of playing, and they were all great!


Thanks, I really wasnt sure if I made the right choice. I have been reading alot about ESP and LTD guitars and you seem to get alot of bang for your buck with them! My next purchase is probably a Blackstar 40w

Iron Dog

Welcome to the board. I have 2 LTD's and am very pleased with both them. Very good guitars for the money.


Thanks Guys, the LTD seems to have better hardware than the Epi that I was looking at. Now it is time to concentrate on retraining my hands..... May the fun begin!


welcome and congrats !

ltd's are great i got a 05' MH-250 and a '06 JH-600(last week lol) and there both near new condition and the can take one hell of a beating !


Awesome! Those are sweet guitars.


Please do not post pics.



Pics of what?






New member doesn't know Gfunk ^^

Dear RMC, GFunk wants pics and so do we all.

The EC401 is a VERY good guitar, it's better than Epiphones IMO. I think it's worth its price, I really like them. But since they come with active EMG's, I personally would change the pickups...

If some day you want a similar guitar but upgrade, I'd recommend you to look for and ESP Eclipse-II. Not as "legendary" as a Gibson LP but at least the price is not THAT far off. They look more agressive, they are thinner, they are not as heavy, and there's ESP written on the headstock ^^ (that makes enough reasons, right ?). I like the sound, very similar to the LTD 401 IMO (EMGs...)


dont mind him, he's French


does it feel good in your hands?..if so then yes "the eagle has landed", if a cheap old sears silvertone feels great and allows you to wail like a banshee then that's the guitar for you...that's how I always approached a guitar, and when I bought an LTD MH-250 the neck was like butter. exactly what I was looking I want an EC-500 or EC-1000, I'm looking everywhere!

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Hey Nagash, Thanks for the insight the guitar did feel really good. The EC-401 I picked up has the 59/JB in it. Nasti, I definately see the difference in the necks, I was really surprised. As I said was a gibson junkie for years, and when I decided to start playing again I automatically thought Epi because I cant afford the Gibby. I was walking to the Epihpones and saw this guitar and Just kept walking. Alto music has hundreds of axes, so when I went back and looked at the Ltd I was shocked. I am really happy with my purchase, the price was right $550 brand new with tax. Now I need to practice my ass off, next is to look for an amp that I am happy with. I am using a Line6 15w spyder3 (somebody gave me) Any ideas that wont break the bank?


Hey Nagash, Thanks for the insight the guitar did feel really good. The EC-401 I picked up has the 59/JB in it. Nasti, I definately see the difference in the necks, I was really surprised. As I said was a gibson junkie for years, and when I decided to start playing again I automatically thought Epi because I cant afford the Gibby. I was walking to the Epihpones and saw this guitar and Just kept walking. Alto music has hundreds of axes, so when I went back and looked at the Ltd I was shocked. I am really happy with my purchase, the price was right $550 brand new with tax. Now I need to practice my ass off, next is to look for an amp that I am happy with. I am using a Line6 15w spyder3 (somebody gave me) Any ideas that wont break the bank?
I use a Laney 50watt 1x12 HC50 combo for practice, just a little thing really and very inexpensive and I run it thru a 4x12 Marshall 1960's killer and those Marshall solid state "Lead series" like the 30watter are great and you can find those for $200-$250 on Ebay. Maybe look for a Vox AC30...thise are excellent. Ya stay away from those Marshall MG's they are junk.
I'd like to add that Marshall is no longer the big man on campus and haven't been for some time. Like Gibson, when ya start to see these "once-great" music company's spew out signature series and what Marshall has been putting out, it's a sure sign they have lost their focus. There are so many great options out there, and if you're going to gig and again as you said "cheap"...don't get a tube amp. I have a rare ART DST-80/80 rack it's basicaly a DST-4 with a built in 160 watt stereo Pearce amp. My other guitarist hates to admit it, but it tears up his Marshall..if I had the cash I'd get an Orange stack anyways.


Pics will come soon. I just assummed that everyone has seen a EC-401vf before.


Line 6 amps suck IMO

What kind of music do you want to play, and what power do you need ?


I am into rock mostly, Sad to say I am an 80's guy. I really just need something for practice but this Line6 seems to sound like crap. The world of guitars has changed big time, so not sure what I should be look at and stay away from. My buddy at the music store recommended the Blackstar club 40, but I really only need small for the house. I do want something with a headphone jack since my girl isn's real happy about the noise. she thinks I am going through a mid-life crisis! Def Leppard, Guns and roses old metallica, heavier rock but not to into the thrash thing.

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Actually I just moved to Orange county. right next to the choppah's, I see those guys everyday.


Gotta love music about partying and fun times! As soon as I can get my hands to make sounds of an angel i am sure she won't care. To start playing after 12 yrs of not being near a guitar is rough.


I live about an hour north of you, dude! Welcome to the boards. Post pics of the guitar!!

I'll sell you a Line6 Flextone IIIXL for a freaking steal if you want it!

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