Me again, looking at a second guitar

Going to put my HIII in the same tuning as Hizaki from Versailles. I don't like the idea of resetting every time I want to play something different. I'm looking for something that's relatively easy to change the tuning. However, I don't want it to go out of tune too often. I'll be using this guitar for metal and some other randoms like video game music. Any insight would be great. ECLIPSE-II VB (Uses locking tuners) I'm not too familiar with these. Will it be just as hard to tune as the locking trem? H-1001 H-351NT

you should look into a Hanneman sig


Tried that one, I love it. However it has a trem. I don't want to do a set up every time I change drop tunes.


There was some washburns what seemed neat. They had HSH can't find one anywhere. Emppu from nightwish had one. whoops double post


Doesn't the washburn cs-780 of Emppu's have a floyd rose which is something you don't want to begin with?

This thread is not going anywhere...


I think you should solidify your spec before asking the board for guitar suggestions. That Ibanez is a bolt-on, without EMGs, not of alder and (I could be very wrong with Ibanez) has a thicker and wider neck than the HIII or ESP Thin-U for that matter.

Good luck with your search.


The wizard necks on those are thinner than the ESP thin U, but yeah they're 1-1/16 at the nut instead of 1-5/8. I prefer them, though.


As Antipole sugested I solidify my my specs. I did something and make some mind changes, but this is solid.

Alder prefered, mahogony is ok
Set neck/neck through, bolt on last choice
SD passives
No trem

Looking at the Ibanez as well but this is a bit of a pain to find anything I like.
Any type of neck
Rosewood fret
Must be demarzios HSH the inf and V series sounds like a dozen angry bees trapped in a jar to me.
Can have a tream, I know I'm not looking for a trem but I haven't seen one ibanez NT with Dimarzios

oh budget, 900 with some wiggle room.

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