Lynch Kamikazi LTD body

HELP! I had a signed LTD kami on a wall mount stand.. the stand broke off the wall and sent the guitar crashing to the ground.. crackin the body.. anyone know where i can find a replacement body??

Don't think you'll be able to find an LTD Kami body... BUT... check out seller 'redviper29' on ebay... Randy's a cool dude out of upstate New York who happens to be a big Lynch fan and builds replica Kami bodies for $145. I think there are a few on there now... send it to strngthbyndstrngth for paintwork, he painted my urban camo Kami and it came out great.


awesome! thank you
i contacted redviper.. and ill look up strngthbyndstrngth


strngth is a member on here... he sells on ebay under Eaco Designs or something to that extent... great guy to do business with


That's pretty neat, I might message the guy even :lol:

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