ec 1000 or prophecy gx?

hey guys im buyin a new guitar soon and i dnt know if it should be a ec 1000 or an epiphone prophecy gx. iv gotten alot of ppl who say there both realy good but the ec 1000 is slimmer and lighter so it doesnt realy have that full les paul sound. anybody got ideas?


I haven't played a nice epi prophecy yet and I've played both the EMG and Dirtyfingers LP and the EMG SG. I've actually played a few SGs and 2 EMG LPs and they all just didn't play well or sound good.


definately the EC, Ive owned a couple of em and I loved them. I thought the prophecy series looked interesting, so I tried one and didnt like it that much..


from someone who owned the epi...and now own a ec...i definately like the ec better. i have the one that has duncans in it. my epi had dual emg 81's in it. for me it broke down like this.. ec is lighter feels faster on neck due to thinner neck and has tones of sustain and clarity. the epi is indeed a nice guitar. comes down to pref. really. epi was too heavy and bulky for me. if you want a les paul sound go epi. if you want something light quick and sounds amazing go ec.

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