Which Locking Bridge?

Colin T.

Hi. I'd like to upgrade the bridge (TOM & tailpiece) on my EC-256.

Since the higher spec EC-1000 has a Tonepros locking bridge & tailpiece, I assume that'd be the one to go for.

I'm not sure of the spacings of each tonepros model though. Can you advise which model of Tonepros bridge to buy?

Or could anyone else recommend an alternative to Tonepros? It has to be a locking bridge, though.


ESP Guitars

Hello, the TonePros T3BT is the correct replacement for this model. We don't test aftermarket products on our instruments, so we can't recommend any other locking bridges that are a drop in replacement.

Colin T.

To follow up on this, I have bought a Tonepros LPNM02 set (which includes the recommended T3BT bridge) and installed it. This, as suggested, was a perfect drop-in replacement and the upgrade has noticeably improved the sustain. Thanks for your help

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