Esp LTD b55 nut

Stephen F.

Hello, I'm in need of some info. I have a esp LTD b55, I bought it used. The previous owner, for some reason, epoxied a horrible brass nut on the neck that was the wrong freaking size. It took for ever to get the nut and glue off, but I managed to get it.. 


My issue is this, I have looked high and low on the internet for the correct size nut nor my bass but no one seems to know or care to share that info... Could you guys please tell me what size nut I need???? Techs out here charge too much so I need to do it myself. Please can you tell me the correct size so I can finally play this guitar after almost a year of it collecting dust. 

Thank you



ESP Guitars

Hello Steve,

Please send our customer service team an email at  We will need the instrument's serial number as well.  They should be able to point you in the right direction!

Stephen F.

Awesome thank you so much!

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