Edwards Alexi Laiho

Sam S.

Long time lurker here, finally signed up as I'm in need of some guidance.

I'm looking to get an Edwards Alexi Laiho but I'm confused as to the origins of these guitars. I'm looking at a Blacky and a Katakana, and both have "Made in Japan" stamped underneath the serial number on the back of the headstock. At the same time, I'm also eyeing an Arrowhead as well as a Pink Sawtooth and neither have the "Made in Japan" stamp.

From what I understand, these are predominantly made in China and then finished up in Japan but how does that explain the "Made in Japan" stamp on some of these?

Janne E.

Hi Sam! 


I have Edwards Alexi Laiho arrowhead for sale. Hit me up if you're interested. 


Nani C.

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