Michael B.
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Do these have locks???

Bilguun Ch.
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Hi will this case fit a e-II arrow-7 guitar?

Boris C.
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hi i need a case for ltd
mk-600, is this case correct?

Alex L.
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Hi there, can a left handed arrow model fit in this case?

Jerry E.

Hi there, this say all V series guitars, would that include the MK-600 since I do not see it listed there and it didn't fit in the ESP case my V-400 is in.

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at customerservice@espguitars.com or https://www.espguitars.com/pages/support         

nun y.

Hi, can this case be used for ltd arrow 200 or arrow 1000?

Carl N.

Yes, this case will also fit standard Arrow models

Ominous guitars



Will this case fit the ESP KH-1 flying V signature model?

Carl N.

Unfortunately we no longer make a case for that instrument.

Wolfgang K.

what are the outer dimensions on these?

Carl N.

Hey Wolfgang, you can reach out to our service department for this information.  customerservice@espguitars.com

jason p.

Hi will this case fit a Arrow black Metal guitar? thank you

Carl N.

Hey Jason, this would be the case.

Ben T.

Hi, just got my arrow 200 (amazing guitar by the way) would this case fit my arrow?


Carl N.

Hey Ben, yes this would be the case you need.

Kamil Z.

Will this case fit the ESP LTD Mille Petrozza MK-600? Thanks

Carl N.

Hey Kamil, the MK-600 uses a double arrow case, there is currently no listing for this case as the MK-600 is the only model that uses this case.

Rob W.

Will this case fit my V-50 guitar? Im not sure if my model is considered “current”. Thanks

Carl N.

Hey Rob, yes this will fit your V-50.

Ken R.


i have an arrow and i love it, really fantastic guitar  but i need to know does a soft bag exists for this guitar? I don’t find anywhere...Because the hard case is really big and a soft bag would be more convenient for me !

thanks by advance 


Carl N.

Hey Ken, check out this gig bag on our site.  This will fit your Arrow.

Can U.

Greetings, trying to find this piece online for my LTD Hex-7,
unfortunately i am unable to find it. How/where can we order online? tried most of the dealers and had no luck. Can you please help?

Thanks in advance

Todd B. ESP

Hi, We sell cases direct only inside of the USA. If you are outside of the USA please contact your nearest distributor to request pricing and availability. Here is a link to our distributor page: https://www.espguitars.com/locations?categories=intl-distributors  

Can U.

Thanks for the reply Todd, actually i'm in Woodbury MN for the moment, so i'd like to order this case online if possible.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Can, Yes then you should be able to order it direct from us (use the BUY NOW button), or you can have it ordered through any of our authorized dealers that you want to purchase from.