Tim S.
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Will this model eventually get stainless frets? I love it and love the color and pickups and hardware, but want stainless frets.  



David  B.

 It sweet  looking  guitar 

Conor B.

How much is this guitar in Canadian dollars ?

Todd B. ESP

Hello, If you live outside the US, please contact your local distributor or nearest dealer for your pricing and availability. Here is a link to our distributor page: https://www.espguitars.com/locations?categories=intl-distributors   

Dominic D.

I'm wondering if you will build it again with the koa finish? Is it possible to order it?? Btw, I'm lefty....

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at customerservice@espguitars.com or https://www.espguitars.com/pages/support   

Travis H.

I love this Guitar

I bought it along with The Vintage black EC with seymour duncans. I love both guitars and probably would change a thing about them. Ive been about EMG Active 81/85s on alot of rigs ive owned oer the years but the pick ups on these 2 different guitars both sound great and being passive you dont have to worry about your batteries dying!!


Thanks ESP!

Carl N.

glad you are enjoying it!