Khyris Eidan
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Can the LTD locking tuners have 10-13-17-28-38-48-65 strings?

Austin Sharp
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Stainless steel frets?

Thomas M.

I want that for my new album

Joel Jonza

How much does it weigh?

Todd B. ESP

If you have any questions not answered on our product page, please contact ESP Customer Service at

Austin Sharp

8lbs or so.

Nathan O.

Any chance on a lefty of this model yet? If not how much do we gotta pay for lefty custom shop of this?

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or   

George R.

I just got mine in today. Holy balls this thing is higher quality than I expected! After careful inspection, I haven’t found an external flaw with the exception of the back bridge cover not being completely flush.

the evertune bridge is a game changer! I have the first three strings in zone 3 so I can bend and the bottom four strings in zone 2 to keep tune. I set the guitar up in A and it holds no matter what..... thanks ESP!!!!

Carl N.

Glad you're enjoying it and thanks for letting us know!

Gustavo G.

Hello, I am very interested in buying this guitar, what is the maximum gauge or thickness that I can put as the seventh string to this guitar? to use tuning maybe lower than Drop A

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or 

Paul  F.

Sorry I meant to write the model at in the name video where brian shows it off, think its from 2017

Paul  F.

Whats the model in the video? It has white binding on the body but neither of the two models shown have it, only on the neck and headstock

Carl N.

Not sure what you mean, all the guitars in this demo video show instruments without binding on the body.

Lachlan C.


Do you guys have any plans to make a left hand version of this. I struggle to find guitars, as I’m left handed. Absolutely in love with this guitar. Hope a left hand version is made sometime in the future.


Carl N.

Sorry, nothing currently in the works for a left handed version of this instrument

Cory H.

I second this request. Lefty 7s can be a nightmare to find and I'd love to have the opportunity to play one of these. 

Eric B.

Good afternoon from Michigan!  Can anyone tell me where this is made?  Thank you for any information you can pass along.  Cheers!!!  Eric

Carl N.

These are currently produced in Korea, hope this helps!

Michael G.

I have this and love it!  Any idea how big of a 7th string (B string) the tuner will handle?  I have a 0.60 in it now.

Carl N.

Biggest we use is a .74, would need to be modified to accept any larger

Michael G.

Thanks Carl!  I appreciate the quick reply.

Jeff S.

The toggle switch on mine just broke.. ugh!  Is this just a standard 3-way toggle or is there something more to it because of the pickups and push/pull?  I haven't opened it up to look at it, but am going to need to either get it serviced or buy a new switch and replace it myself.. depends on how extensive the work is.  

Todd B. ESP

Hey Jeff, Sorry to hear that but it does happen from time to time. This is a standard 3 way toggle switch, however there are some different configurations out there. You just need the basic one that is relatively small and relatively simple to install if you have the ability to solder. Please contact our customer service team at if you need further help.

calvin g.

What material are the frets? Are they stainless steel?

Carl N.

Hey Calvin, unless specifically noted all frets will be nickel/silver.  Hope this helps!

jon w.

yep already done that,,,ive got one on order. I guess i just have to wait, ....but its killing me, i need it in my life now! lol


Carl N.

Hey Jon, patience is a virtue seldom held by musicians.  Hope you enjoy it when you get it!

jon w.

These things are so hard to find in the uk!! every shop out of stock!

Can i buy direct from ESP?

Carl N.

Hey Jon, I would try reaching out to your local distributor to see if this could be made available in your region for you.

Lee M.

Please please please do a 6 string version with the same features and specs etc. I prefer to tune down than to use 7 strings. I getthat Head uses the 7 but Im almost certain a guitar of this quality will sell in a 6 string format!

Carl N.

Thanks for your insight Lee!

Filip B.

Dear ESP,

Could you please let me know what exactly is the finish of the neck?-Is it just natural and sanded, or does it have a some kind of coating? 

Thank you

p.s.I own this guitar and I was just curious 

Carl N.

Hey Filip, the neck of this instrument will be finished in a natural satin.  Hope you've been enjoying your SH-7!


I wish there was a 6 strings guitar with that stats. 

Todd B. ESP

Hi Czajken, thanks for letting us know about this.

Sean D.

I'd kill to get this thing in left handed

Todd B. ESP

Hi Sean, Thanks for letting us know this. Sorry it's not available in LH version right now, but it could become available in the future.