Krzysztof D.
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What’s the factory tuning on this guitar?

Daniel B.
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Hi there!
I just bought a used ESP E-II 7B-NT and it came with a TOM bridge. I don’t really feel comfortable and so I’d like to change it, because the guitar is amazing. The thing is I don’t think I can swap it for a Hipshot bridge without having the body modified, is that correct? 
A modification on the wood being needed anyways, can I install an Evertune? Would it be the F model?
Thank you!

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hello! May I ask if this guitar is equipped with the original ESP Strap Lock, will the back buckle of the strap part be attached?


I recently adopted a used NT-7B and note that tit is loaded with Standard Sperzel Locking Tuners Tonepros Locking Bridge/string though body.

Does that mean this is Horizon one version?

I was curious about the comment below as its seems there is a contradiction to your first statement:

Created at the ESP facility in Tokyo, Japan, the ESP E-II Series is our highest-quality factory-produced instrument collection

Hi Jonathan, Thanks for your comments. I understand your frustration. We try to offer a variety of colors and pickup choices, however since these guitars are fully manufactured overseas before we receive them, we build them up according to each model's specifications. In other words its not possible currently to have the same guitar but with different pickups. We can only take this feedback from customers like you that point this out to us and  try our best to improve our offerings in the future.


Does this mean these a manufactured first at a LTD facility?

Other than that....I am loving my first 7 string guitar!!!

Cheerz from Canada


Todd B. ESP

Hi, We are located in the USA for ESP USA distribution. So my comment referred to the E-II models being built overseas by our factory in Japan. They are built in Japan and shipped to USA for distribution in USA and Canada. If you have any further questions please contact our customer service team at

Robert B

Hi, very interested in buying this.  Does it or will it come in Snow White? 

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or 

Adam S.

Hello, I own this guitar and almost everything about it is perfect for me.  One of the items which has been a nagging annoyance though is the Volume knob.  It's position right below the bridge pickup leads me to graze it occasionally with my picking hand.   The tension on the knob is fairly loose, so it turns quite easily.    As you can imagine, this leads to moments of "Huh, where'd all the gain go?"  or even worse "Where'd all the sound go?".   

Is there any sort of recommended solution for this?   Is there a good way to increase the tension of that knob so it doesn't turn so easily from a light graze?   These touches are so light that I don't even realize I've done it until I check the knob and realize it's moved.   

Carl N.

sorry you seem to be having an issue with this, if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or 

Charles P.

The EMGs should have the solderless system. I would just disconnect the tone knob from the circuit completely. Swap positions of volume and tone pots. Volume is now out of the way of the picking hand. The knob next to the pickup is just a dummy filling a hole that does nothing so it doesn't matter anymore if you graze it.

Michael D.

Hi ESP. I would like to say that I am a bit disappointed in your product.  Overall, I would say the quality is great - but I really don’t understand the design of the nut.  It doesn’t make sense whatsoever.  I spent top dollar on your “highest quality factory instrument” made for “down tuning to extreme levels.”  This is false advertising.  It comes with super light strings which cannot tune below drop A without becoming sloppy.  But here is when the real problem came to light: when I removed the strings and then tried to put heavier ones on, I could not!  I couldn’t even fit higher than a 60 gauge, which is still a light string.  Don’t even bother trying a 68, 74 or an 80.  The nut just isn’t filed down enough for heavier strings.  If I paid $1000 for this instrument, I would not be so peeved. I would expect it to need some work from a luthier.  However, when I order an instrument from overseas, pay top dollar, because it is “built for extreme tunings” yet the product is not designed to deliver?  Seems like this was overlooked.  I’m hoping this is the only design flaw I find with this guitar. 

Carl N.

Sorry you feel that way, every player has their own preferences when it comes to strings and tuning so the factory spec might not be for everybody.  The nut is filed for the strings that come standard, new strings can always be installed though you would be correct that the nut would require work in order to accommodate new strings.  This is nothing new, this is completely normal in the guitar industry.  If you want different sized strings you would need to file your nut, this isn't a design flaw, it's life.

Joshua W.

I have the same guitar slight different specs changed the nut and now its in   G# standard which is plenty low i got room to go to F if i want

Michael D.

Hi, I ordered one of these a few months ago. Looking to do heavy djent without the complications of the 8th string on an 8-string.

1.  What do you recommend for tuning levels for optimal performance?  Standard B, or dropped a few stepa?


2.  Could I use 8-string strings and just drop the high E?



Carl N.

Hey Michael, strings and tuning is a very subjective topic as no two players prefer the same strings or tuning.  This is currently equipped with 9-56 gauge strings set in standard so for lower tunings you could always go with a thicker gauge of string.  Perhaps you could pick up a couple sets and see what works best for you and the music you are trying to create.


Hi everyone


How would you recommend stringing this to tune to standard B (concert pitch)?

I tend to use 10s and 11s on standard scale, but would something like 9-54 be better on this?


On my 24.75" scale, 6-string guitars, I play a .012 set tuned to C standard. I have a 6 string 27" baritone and I use the same strings and tuning. The benefit is a bit more tension and makes open string things a bit clearer sounding.

I'd try it with the stock .009 set and see how it feels to you. But It wouldn't surprise me if you decided to go up to a .010 or .011.


Why hasn't ESP made an 8-string model like this or the M series with a reverse head stock?

All I ever see are the head stocks facing down.

The SC607B is cool. I wish they made the SC608B just like that 607B.

Carl N.

Hey Arkane, most of the instruments within our M series line do have reverse headstocks, just not much in line with eight string models.  We do produce an SC608B in LTD and ESP versions but these are with standard headstocks per Stef's specifications.


Well, that's exactly my point. I have never seen a reverse headstock on an 8-string model. That's what I would like. That would be my ideal ESP/LTD guitar. Can you suggest this to the team? I can't help but be curious why this has never been attempted.

Carl N.

Thanks again for your insight!


Thanks Carl!

I hope to see one in 2020 or at least us members get asked if it's something that interests us.

Theodore G.

Purchased a 2017 NT-7B Hipshot (brand new). What is the difference between the pickups on the 2017 versus the newer model?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Theodore, The new version has a standard humbucker shape with metal covers. I believe the version you have has soapbar pickups. That is the old difference but the pickup models are the same (same inside winding).

Jonathan M.

I’m sorry but I have to ask, why do you guys always do this? In order to get this guitar with Fishmans, I have to buy a sparkly purple one. You guys did this with the new EC-1000s as well. If you want one with the SD Custom/Jazz pups, you have to buy Purple or Green. Why aren’t the Fishmans in this model but they’re in the EXACT SAME model but with a different color? I absolutely love your guitars and have played ESP for 16 years now but it’s incredibly frustrating when pickup/hardware changes exist on identical models but with a different color. It should be the same options across multiple finishes.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Jonathan, Thanks for your comments. I understand your frustration. We try to offer a variety of colors and pickup choices, however since these guitars are fully manufactured overseas before we receive them, we build them up according to each model's specifications. In other words its not possible currently to have the same guitar but with different pickups. We can only take this feedback from customers like you that point this out to us and  try our best to improve our offerings in the future.


Couldn’t agree more Jonathan

Cristian G.

Lefty version?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Cristian, sorry this is not available in LH at this time.

James L.

Outside of a version of this with 3 humbuckers and a five-way, this is my dream guitar, man. only thing that sucks is the lack of other colors.