Christopher B.
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I think this would look KILLER in the Rusty Iron finish with all-chrome hardware.  Love this body style.  


I realy want this guitar, but would like floyed rose and 2 pickups.  Could that be done?

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or         


Best ESP guitar. We need E-II and LTD options! Max also has an signature pickup (Lace) that has to be integrated.

Carl N.

thanks for letting us know!


Can we get a more affordable version of this please maybe a E-II or Ltd 

Carl N.

Thanks for letting us know!

Nick P.

$7,200.00 in Canada for a single pickup guitar. Eh???? Who puts these together the queen of England?

Carl N.

Hey Nick, the master luthiers at our Japanese custom shop, doubt the Queen of England could put together a guitar.

Davy E.

This guitar in an ltd would be a dream come true

Davy E.

Same spec as custom shop just an Ltd instead of esp

Carl N.

Thanks for the insight Davy!

Tom S.

picked this up today in the uk for a great deal. such a cool guitar


Todd B. ESP

Hey Tom, Wow, that's cool! Glad you like it!

Max M.

Can this be available in left handed 

Todd B. ESP

Hi Max, Yes this model can be made in left handed since it is made at our custom shop. It is a special order.