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The iron cross

Rob Marshall

IC cuz Its an EC 

Beres G.

iron cross



Döme N.


Adam Kasnyóczki

 Theee Eclipse shaped


IC for me

Jesse P.

snakebyte probably has better neck acess plus I love the idea of an all mohagany guitar


Patrick Ombrog

iron cross. it looks badass.


Snakebyte, i've always liked the explorer, although personlly i'd like a 25.5 scale, 24 frets and a floyd rose bridge.

Hunter W.

I really like the design on the Iron Cross, but the shape of the Snakebyte is awesome. It was a tough choice, but Iron Cross. 

Travis L.

snakebyte just looks and feels better

Cesar P.

Las dos son muy hermosas

Jerexan O.

Iron Cross \m/

Andy Castillo

Beautiful guitar

Kyle E

Snakebyte. No questions asked.

Cesar P.

Iron Croos White

Roy jr.

Snakebyte black

Cesar P.

La iron cross es mas bacana