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JiYoung K.

I'm convinced that you're gonna make it! Your solo is the best among all other competitors!

Jay Parmar

Thanks man! Really appreciate it  Love playing this song always!

Giuseppe Raffa

This is just perfect! Lynchy but with personal phrases, end of the contest!

Jay Parmar

Thanks so much man! Really appreciate it  

Warren. H.

Wow that was awesome...Great player ...\m/

Jay Parmar

Thanks Warren! Very very much appreciate it man!

scott s.

you and Tony have George down so cold it's "scary"...get it! LOL  awesome job man, wish I could play it that well.  I can't even begin to come close.

Jay Parmar

Thank you so much Scott!  Tony's awesome. Love watching those fast fingers doing those trills! He's been one of my influences for years and a super nice guy too!



Jay Parmar

Thanks man! Much appreciated