Timothy M.
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Ehhhhh! Why would they not make this with an Ebony fret board? Would look sick. Atleast make it an option. I bet those would sell more. 

Diego D.
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Some videos of this guitar?


Jonathan L.
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There are a lack of reviews of this particular model, online, and inventory seems scarce. Still, the specs are worth checking out. I pulled the trigger without having held the actual instrument. I got lured in by the roasted maple neck, the stainless steel frets, Pegasus and Sentient p'ups, and the supposedly light swamp ash body. Can't wait for it to ship and hope I made the right decision! Curious if others have found any decent reviews online. I love never seen so little promotion and coverage of a new guitar like this.

Brett S.
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Would like to see a Floyd!

Devan Arya
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I've pre-ordered this instrument, Thomann says it should be available in October 2021 and I'm looking forward for it.

Just a quick question, is this model a definitive version of what is coming out? I would just give a quick suggestion of putting a black nut instead of a white one, just to match the overall look of the instrument.

Gary S

This guitar looks perfect for me except one thing I cannot stand the finish..... just wish it came in a solid color with a smooth finish or maybe another color sand blast

Daniel E.

I'll probably not ever even play this guitar but I'm here in support of the 22 frets. An extra 2 frets is not worth the sacrifice in tone you're making by pushing the neck pickup so close to the bridge, I wont even play "LP" style guitars that have 24 frets. IMHO if 24 frets is so important to you then just play one of the ten million RG style super strats on the market and leave us our single cut 22 fret guitars

Garth R.

I'm coming around to the 22 frets, as Todd mentioned it will offer a slightly smoother tone in neck pickup position, there are so many other models with 24frets that are ideally designed for high fret lead work where as this I can see stepping in as a mainly rhythm guitar, and it looks amazing in the sandblasted black, I think it would be a shame to cover that lovely finish in a pickguard.

No reason you couldn't add an aftermarket one Devan C.


This will 100% be my next guitar purchase, have to wait for stock to come in around June though


Does anyone have any opinions on the moulded nut thou? Think at this price point they could have gone with a graphtek.

Steven Cooper

Just the fact that there are scalloped frets on this guitar would indicate that it's being targeted as more of a lead instrument, not so much a rhythm instrument. Any chording that you might do around those frets where the scallops are won't sound right.  A light touch is required on those frets in order to get the proper tones, and of course if you're screaming notes, you'll just bend the hell out of the strings, but if you're going for any chording  It won't sound natural. 

Devan Arya

@Steven Cooper They're just scalloped from 17-22, it doesn't affect the sound on chords before the 17th fret.

Devan Arya

This is so close to what I have in mind for a 'perfect guitar'. But please, as some people also requested, make this with 24 frets! Satin pickguard would be also cool but it's something complementary but 24 frets!

Basically the Tele version of the LTD Deluxe SN-1000FR 

I'm looking for a new guitar to complement my LTD EC Black Metal for ages and this is so close!

I sign on Garth R.and Pedro G.

Frog M.

I am not a traditional ESP/LTD player.  I don't really play or listen to any modern metal, nor do I downtune any further than Eb.  Very standard and bland with my usual choices.  Strat, les paul standard, les paul dc jr, jazzmaster. That being said, I have heard nothing but positive things about ESP and LTD guitars and have many friends who swear by them. This model is EXACTLY the type of model that gets someone like me interested in checking out your instruments. Non-glossy neck, traditional shape, 22 frets, simple construction, all with a little edge to it that makes it your own.  I would love some colors, like a purple or a red, however, I can't be picky.  Great job! I will certainly be giving it a shot.

red elvis

Sweet. I'm adding this to my Wishlist.

Pedro G.

24 frets would be soooooo sweet! Maybe the reverse headstock sounds appealing...

Devan Arya

Yes, 24 frets!

Josh W.

Need this in a 7 string baritone; I'd settle for a baritone, though.

Barry S.

Put that neck with a reverse headstock on the SN black blast ! The SN also needs a Floyd..

Carl N.

thanks for the suggestions!

Mike A.

Hoping these sell on Sweetwater!

Eric M.

Yes, this is my next ESP

Donald R.

Funny, I designed an almost identical one on the ESP USA website last year

Radu V.

It looks insanely good! Congrats Esp! Now i need one to go togheter with my Nergal EC

Radu V.

I just noticed that there scalloping on the 17th to the 22th fret, but we can’t see that in the specifications list. And i guess that should be mentioned! You guys are amazing