Gene Metal

I own this one for about 4 months now. This is a killer instrument. I‘d wished there would also be a 6-String baritone, otherwise perfect for recording. Love it.

Dan W.
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Hello Esp. Could you please specify whether the frets are stainless steel or nickel for each guitar? 

Thank you

Xyn K.

I rotate between this guitar and my E-II Horizon NT-7 Evertune. Basically when I go from this to my E-II Horizon it feels like my b*itch. This is just a larger version (baritone) of that guitar essentially. So if you are like me.. I use this guitar for 2 reasons. 1) When Im playing low low tuning. Like A or B. But I'll also tune it up to D Standard/ Drop C and "warm up" with it. Because it's a large guitar with longer frets it can be "hard" to play. So when you go from this to a standard 7 string it's a breeze. I also enjoy this guitar because I'm a large person (6'3, 230 with big hands) and I've always fantasized about a guitar that sits in between a guitar and a bass which this basically is. Drop some heavy gauge strings on this and you're talking a badass metal 6 string with a high octave bass string to fool around with. This thing makes any metal song contemplate its own soul. 

Stephen O.
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What finish is used for the paint work? Such a lovely guitar. 

James B.

I love love love this guitar.I can’t stop playing it.10 out of 10 the best.If you guys make a six string I’m all over it.Thank you for make awesome guitars.Cheers


Hi, i just purchased this guitar. I will receive it in april 2022  What are Your thoughts after 6 months of playing it?

James B.

I still love it.I’m not the greatest 7 string player but the guitar is soild I’ve only tuned it once the Evertune is awesome 


Nice to hear it!  I cant wait to have mine. 

Vadim Ketivo

Buying a white guitar opens up a lot of doors in terms of customization. If I buy one and decide to throw some custom artwork on it, does this product qualify for warranty?

Todd B. ESP

Hi, This is a really nice finish so I'd hate to see it covered up, but you are right that white is a nice background for custom paint. Any custom paint would void the warranty in terms of anything that was changed because of the custom painting. 

Nick K.

Curious about the baritone scale with the evertune...Not sure why someone would want that.  The whole idea of the Evertune is it makes it so you don't need to extend the scale length.  I guess if someone just prefers a longer scale, maybe if you've got big hands.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Nick, some players prefer baritone scale for lower tuning as it helps increase string tension and clarity on those larger strings with lower tunings.


Evertune works in all scale lengths.  I don't think you understand what the evertune is/does.  You still need to have the right string tension by balancing tuning w/ scale length and string gauge. If you go too light on strings w/ an evertune you have to get custom low tension modules. The reason to get a baritone has nothing to do with the reason to get an evertune and vice versa.  

The whole point of the evertune is to have a set tuning on the guitar and the bridge compensates for fluctuations that would normally cause you to go out of tune.  You can set it up so even bends or unevenly fretting each note in a chord won't cause variations in pitch.  

So who would want this? Anyone who understands the evertune and wants a 7 string baritone guitar. 

Stephen O.

What is the reason for using super light strings on this baritone model? I’ve looked on the EverTune site and if you want to drop tune with the stock string set you need low tension EverTune modules. What modules does this EverTune have? I wonder if a heavier string set should be stock for a baritone guitar if they are designed for alternate lower tunings? Especially as esp make other standard scale length 7 string guitars. Just wondering….

Tyson P.

I would love to see some more natural photos (i.e. not retouched studio pics) to get a better sense of how the pearl looks in more natural light. Is this something that could be provided? Or have you had any other guitars with the same finish that I could see pictures of? Thanks.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Tyson, Since this model is new we don't have a lot of photos to share with you at this time. Please understand that these photos are real photos and that the pearl is a very subtle finish. It will appear like a very very fine metallic white finish. These photos are only touched up in the sense that if there is a shadow or a spec of dust, those things are removed but what you see is the real finish.