Darko D.

Phoenix 1000 is amazing guitar, I see no point comparing it with any other guitar, it just so special. It rocks! And I love offset guitars. I am confused with the different description of the wood the neck was made of. Here, on your site, you say it's 3-piece mahogany. But, on many dealer sites, it says it's made of 3-piece maple!? So, what wood is the neck made of? My Phoenix is 2019 made in Korea, which wood did they use for necks?

Cody H.

The new 1000 series Phoenix models are so sick!  Would you guys please consider releasing a 1000 series Viper with similar color scheme?  Vintage white, white pickguard, gold hardware, passive pickups....perfection.  

Todd B. ESP

Hello, thanks for your suggestions.

If you have any questions not answered on our product page, please contact ESP Customer Service at customerservice@espguitars.com

Jessica C.

Which Seymour Duncan custom pickup is the one in this guitar? I see on seymour duncan's website a custom custom, a duncan custom sh-5, a custom/59 hybrid and a couple others with "custom" in the name.

clemens m.

It's a sh-5. The custom (sh-5), custom custom (sh-11) and custom 5 (sh-14) are all basically the same pickups, just with different magnets. the custom has a ceramic magnet, the custom custom an alnico II and the custom 5 has an alnico 5 magnet.

Todd B. ESP

Hi, Thanks for our answer Clemens, you are correct. The Custom is the original Custom (SH-5). In the bridge position.

Paul S.

I like mine..  

Todd B. ESP

Thanks! Glad to hear that.

Dan C.

Love that custom pick guard.  Where did you get that?  

Paul S.

Dan C. Cheers bud.

Jacks instrument services here in the Uk. Theyre an authorised Esp repair agent but also have a side business called Tiny Tone. 

I didnt much like the white guard and thought black would at least match the truss rod cover and LTD logo. 

This ones a 3 ply black/cream/black, with the Phoenix logo engraved down to the Cream layer, which matches the body colour almost perfect lol. Worked out nice! 

Dan C.

Hey Paul S.  Thank you for getting back to me.  Really appreciate the information.  I have several custom pickguards on guitars I own but never found a supplier that did engraving like yours.  That is really cool! 


Dan C 

Jeremy  K.

Love this guitar. Was made for me. Love the humbucker p90 combo. Esp only for me from now on. Rock on!!!