Michael T.

This is one bad ass guitar!! I preordered it back in the middle of March and impatiently waited for its arrival...it didn't disappoint. The Andromeda finish is stunning and then you plug it in. This thing screams like a beast straight from the bowels of hell!! I am absoluteley amazed by the quality of this guitar, everyone at my local guitar shop was blown away and couldn't believe it was an Ltd series and not an ESP . You have truly made one beastly guitar in the 1000 series. Thanks ESP next on my list is the E-II M-II in urban camo.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Michael, Wow, that's very cool. Thanks for sharing. We are very happy to hear how much you like your new guitar and thank you for posting your comments & review here! You are the very reason we make these instruments so thank you for choosing ESP!

Vlad K.

I feel happy for you  <3 I am also jealous

I still dream when I am able to afford this one. I can hear its sound even watching at the picture

Todd B. ESP

Hi Vlad, Thank you for your nice comments. We sincerely hope your dream will come true!

Thomas W.

What country is it manufactured in?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Thomas, We are currently manufacturing this model in both Korea and Indonesia. However,  we constantly monitor production standards at our various factories in Asia where we produce LTD models. Should we determine that a certain facility is capable of manufacturing an instrument to ESP's required standard or better, we may decide to shift production, or in some cases share production of a model, wherever that factory may be located. The guitar should be of excellent quality regardless of where it's made, and it will have passed our own quality assurance testing.


I so want this guitar if i can get this a lefty as shown its mine.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Jean-Marc, it will be available soon. Hope you can get one!

lol i like chiken h.

when will we get a flying v ltd


Todd B. ESP

We used to offer the regular V series (like our Esp or E-II V Standard), but that has been discontinued and replaced with our Arrow series for LTD.

Ronnie L.

I have ordered one of these beasts, when will it be available in the UK?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Ronnie, You should contact your dealer or nearest distributor to get an answer on this. Here is a link to our distributor page: https://www.espguitars.com/locations?categories=intl-distributors

Lucas S.

Awesome looking guitar, cant wait to try it. Is the V series going to be back?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Lucas, Great, hope you like it when you try it! No, the Arrow is replacing the old V shape for now.

Jonathan M.

Any plans for an Arrow-1000NT? There is currently no option for a hardtail in the LTD Arrow series. Also, did you guys discontinue the V series??

Todd B. ESP

HI Jonathon, We do not have any Arrow-100NT plans at this time but it could happen. Yes the Arrow has replaced the standard V series from before.

Austin K.

Any plans to make a 7 string Arrow besides that limited Babymetal run? I’d sell my kidney for one with this finish. Make one with an evertune, and I’d sell my soul for it.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Austin, Currently no plans for this model, but a pretty good idea. Thanks for your suggestion.


There is a 7 string arrow in stock in musamaailma (Finnish esp distributor) but it has a Floyd in it