Alexey K.

Could this guitar is tuned in standart tuning EBGDAE

Carl N.

yes, it could

Alexey K.

What strings gauge should I choose?

Tsuin I.

Just got this in today and was wondering what string gauge is on it . Is it the .13-.62 set like in the description or something else?

Carl N.

Hey Tsuin, yes the description will note the correct string gauge.

Alexander H.

Noticed that the guitar uses regular grover tuners. Will Grover Roto-Grip locking tuners (502 series) fit appropriately? Per their specs sheet, the dimensions differ. 

Carl N.

Hey Alexander, if their dimensions differ then it would be safe to assume they would require modifying your instrument in order to install them in place of the current tuners.  Hope this helps!

Daniel H.

Can you play this with a Mag/Piezo blend or is it just Mag or Piezo?

Carl N.

Hey Daniel, the blend functions while these are plugged into separate amplifiers or if you have a stereo amp setup.

Austin C.

Does Ben Burnley actually play this guitar or does he have a USA or Japanese version of this? 

Carl N.

Hey Austin, check out the header of the Ben Burnley page.  That him! Playing his LTD!