Hunter F.

Would be cool with a red cherry finish like an SG

Carl N.

Thanks for the insight Hunter!

Seth L.

Why dont you put a bigger string gauge on the e-II like on the 400 baritone? Can a set of 10s hold the b tuning or does scale length allow for that tuning with that light of a string gauge 

Carl N.

Hey Seth, this holds the tuning just fine.  Different players prefer different strings so we try and find a middle ground as to what to offer from the factory.


Now if only we could get this exact guitar in the eclipse body style and then get either the viper or the now newly made wc body style Bari in that beautiful purple sparkle finish. Or green sparkle I love the finish on my sc 607b as well. 

Carl N.

All very solid ideas Sadasar!  Thanks for your input!

Sean S.

An 8 string version of this (with an Evertune bridge if possible) would be awesome. An Evertune version in general would be cool.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Sean, thanks for that suggestion.


What's the tuning of this guitar, please?

Todd B. ESP

HI MW555, this is tuned down to B-E-A-D-F#-B.