Decoding Success: A Comprehensive Guide to the TOEFL Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The TOEFL exam assesses a candidate's competency in English communication. The exam conducted by the ETS is available in 3 formats – iBT (internet-based test), home-based and paper test. Per recent updates made on July 26th, 2023, the ETS has shortened the paper pattern to under 2 hours (116 mins) compared to 162-196 minutes (previously). 

If you plan to take the TOEFL, getting accustomed to the latest pattern, syllabus, and time duration for each section is imperative. Once familiar with the paper structure, you must sign up with a top study abroad consultant prepare for these 4 sections, you must join online test preparation classes to boost your confidence, time management and problem-solving skills to tackle anything appearing on the test day.

TOEFL Exam Pattern Update – 2023/24


Revised Pattern (2023/24)


Previous Pattern


28 questions in 36 mins

28-39 questions in 41-57 mins



20 questions in 35 minutes

30-40 questions in 54-72 mins



4 tasks in 16 mins


4 tasks in 17 minutes



2 questions to solve in 29 mins

2 questions to solve in 50 mins


Visti, offering the TOEFL exam syllabus 2023/24 and comprehensive test coaching to succeed on the big day.

TOEFL Syllabus – 2023/24

Reading You will read multiple stanzas (on any coverage) and answer 20 questions.

Listening You must listen to brief lectures or classroom discussions (on any topic/subject) and answer 28 questions based on your recordings.

Speaking You must speak on some familiar topic and discuss materials and resources read or listened to. There will 4 tasks in total.

Writing You must read a stanza, listen to a recording, and present your written response. Also, state and support your opinions in an online classroom conversation. It will have 2 written tasks to accomplish.


Jacob W.
