Anyone could tell this guitar fabrication data?

Aitor H.

Hello everybody,

I have bought an ESP E2 guitar with this serial number: ES14286333. I am surenthat the fabrication year si 2014, but a friend has told me that in this serial number, the year,s numeras are 33. I have seen in internet, and the information that I have seen confirms my friend,s information, but ia dont understand it. Could be a fake guitar? A have bougut it in a serious shop, I don,t think that the shopper has a bad intention, but I don,t know what believe!

Thank you for your help!


Hi Aitor. You are correct, it would be a 2014 model. The serial number format changed in 2015.

As to whether your guitar is fake, we wouldn't know without seeing a few photos.

Aitor H.

Hello Pushead,


thank you for your answer! I did the same question to Espguitars and they have answer the same as you…I was a little surprised with this serial number because I could not be able to find any explications, but after this situation( can't find the year) started thinking about the possibility of to be a fake guitar.  

i bought the guitar two years ago in a shop, a guitar shop. I am sure, now, that it isn't a fake guitar.


Thank you! ( Sorry by my bad english)

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