ESP Original (Japan) vs E-II

Raymond  P.

I know there has been so much back and forth info on whether the E-II are as good as the old Standard series. I’m just learning about ESPs so any info is greatly appreciated. 

im fairly specific on what I’m looking for, Horizon 1 or 2  NT-II (string thru/neck thru) Normal ESP headstock.

At the same time, I’ve seen a few custom shop, or standard MIJ golden era ESP and the Standard series just seems...closer(?) to the unimaginable quality of the custom shop vs the current E-II. 

My desired specific model might be tough to find initially, but would it be worth it to hold out for a quality Standard Series or used Custom Shop Horizon vs getting an E-II which they really have some good looking models. 

im playing metal/heavier music for whatever it’s worth. I’d prefer no tremolo, but hot d*mn if those custom Shop horizons on reverb w Floyd’s aren’t stunning...ugg decisions...Hell I’d love an ESP SRC6 or even Stef-6


ANY input is greatly greatly appreciated thank you!!

Raymond  P.


VS Original/Custom Shop

Mark F.

My M-I Standard and E-II M-I's are on par for fit, finish, and feel.  

My Kiso Hanneman is flawless, and these other 3 file right in line, just no custom paint, custom bridge, custom nut, etc...

Raymond  P.

Thank you for the response. Depending Id replace pups etc but if that’s all Im Missing is final touches. Have a chance to jump on a Horizon E-II cheap so wanted to get a feel from my limited experience. Thank you so much! Now to keep the wife at bay lol

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