Pornography and creative sex in relationships

Lysii A.

Hi friends, do you think pornography can be a source of inspiration for getting creative with sex in a relationship? And what are your thoughts on the subject?


Rika M.

Hi everyone! I would like to add that a creative approach to sex includes not only using pornography as a source of inspiration, but also being open to experimentation, communicating with your partner about your fantasies and desires, and finding new ways to achieve pleasure. The main thing is that all actions should be conscious and coordinated between both partners, so that they strengthen and complement your intimate connection.

Lysii A.

Hi. This is an interesting topic to discuss. I think free porn can be one source of inspiration if used consciously and with respect for your partner. It can be a way to push sexual boundaries and experiment with new ideas and fantasies. However, it's important to remember that real sex is different from pornographic movies, and any creative approach should take into account each partner's individual preferences and boundaries.

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