Welcome to the New Site Forums!

Welcome to the New Site Forums!

We are looking forward to seeing the community grow, help us make this a great place to hang out and come to for useful (and not always so useful) information.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the Community here.




Good to see you here db! You need your usual avatar.




hopefully spam free??


chiggity check, microphone check...

the disturbed one

hello? no more post count?


I'll keep count.


Approved member status please.


All members can post photos. Click the image icon in the editor, then you can drag and drop photos into the uploader or navigate to your computer and upload images. After that, you need to select the image(s) from your image library (a tab in the same window) and select the image you want to insert in your post.

As far as post order, we will be flipping the order in which posts appear to oldest at top/newest at bottom. Hang in there as we make continued refinements.

We're sorry, but something went wrong.

We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.

Dr. Tongue

Digging the new look so far.

Luis M.



I'm actually liking the aesthetics of this new forum, but it feels a bit weird. I understand there are changes to be made.

I think people will agree: I don't like the new reply system, it works like the comments thing on the last boards. The threads don't follow a timeline.

Luis Garcia

hello, new to this forum, take it easy on me now, any other newbies around?


Hello, just joined and happy to be here.


Also new in here, but happy to be part of it! :-)

Dr. Tongue

I like how we can set our own ESPguitars profile URL.  


Pierre T.

Nice Site!! Unemployed! Are you guys hiring or do you need volunteers? I live fairly close to Vanowen Street.

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