Where can I buy ESP pickups?


Im looking to inserting this pickup: https://reverb.com/item/6991818-esp-lh-301b-humbucker-bridge-guitar-pickup-pu-8903 on to my FirstAct guitar which is essentially my first electric guitar, so the pickups in that can't be great, where could I possibly get the ESP pickups? (im only looking for the bridge pickup) They're named "ESP LH-301B" and they're featured in one of Kirk's H. guitars and I liked that. From the looks of it on the provided page they seem to be affordable so I liked that as well, but I need to know if ESP themselves sell them online but if not, where? (should ship internationally)



Herta Hary

I loved that they are featured in one of Kirk's H. guitars and go by the name "ESP LH-301B."


Same here Herta, cheers P.S. Still haven't found them but i eventually stopped thanks for this! :-D have a good one!

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