What Pre-amp to combine with a Mesa 50/50?

What would be a nice combination with the 50/50 . Playin a 5150 now .. wanna lean more towardss nevermore/james labrie(marc sfogli) in a nutshell BIG BOMBASTIC TIGHT BRUTAL

I liked the ADA MP1 with my 50/50


I bet Engl makes something right up your alley.


ENGL e570, 1400 euros

depends on what price range you are?


Mesa Studio Pre. I have the preamp but no poweramp yet. Soon though it will be a Mesa 2:90. Played it on my solid state Ampeg vh140c and it was great, very big, tight and brutal.


well that e570 is from ENGL SE head so you bet it will be more brutal than your mother cooking meat from rice crispies with a monkey talking mandarin chasing the goldfish on a dragon with a surtur's fireblade on his knee? Also relatively cheap (compared to mesa triaxis)


Yeah i'd probably suggest the e570 also.

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