rockfield mafia or fat ass?

kk im looking for a replacement pickup(passive). i play mostly like heavy metal(newer types eg. shadows fall, kse) and im looking for a pickup which can do a good job at heavy distorion and a good job at clean settings too. im stuck between a mafia and fat ass. advice? mafia is a ceramic pup while fat ass is a alnico 5.just so you know:)

Ceramic (EMG 60) and ceramic/steel (EMG 81) magnets will be the most brutal and sharp with the bright pick attack. Alnico (EMG 85/89) will have a warmer feel and bleed off some of that brutality present with ceramic magnets. I am with lucky13; go ceramic.


alot of bands use 85's in the bridge. Alot of guitarists use 85's in the bridge.

Alot of bands use 81's in the bridge, alot of guitarists use 81's in the bridge.

Try some shit out and figure out what you like.


I'd go Fat ass B and Mafia N.


I'd go Fat ass B and Mafia N.

guitar has a slot for only 1 pickup in the bridge position


guitar has a slot for only 1 pickup in the bridge position

Than go mafia

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