Many newbie questions about prep and painting a guitar

Firstly, I'd like to say I love all the custom work I've seen around here and you've all inspired me to try something myself I've decided to do my old Dean ML first and if all goes well I'll move onto the more complicated Eclipse (set neck) I might even go buy an old cheap piece of crap to practice with I'm a screen printer and I have access to alot of what I think I need. I've found alot of info on the net, (and even more contradictions) but I still have some questions First: what gauge sandpaper to use? would it be better to sand or use a paint stripper? I thought a stripper might do bad things to the wood and if there are any joins, thought it might eat at the glue. what gauge sandpaper to use? Second: What type/brand of primer? Third: What type/brand of paint would be best? I thought some paints may affect the sound. I heard an enamel can screw with the sound quit alot. I have a spray gun so If thats better than spray paint let me know Fourth: Repainting the logo on the headstock, would a vinyl cut sticker stencil be ok on a removable vinyl? Or is there a better way? and how long do I wait after painting to peel back the stencil? And if I do some kind of grahpic on the body (maybe camo or flag), vinyl stencil? Finally: Clear Coat? If someone could answer these questions or point me to a website with all the info it would be much appreciated Thanks

Sand it. Get a random orbital sander, and start with 125 or 250. Move your way up to 400.

After that, I'm useless, I've only ever done the prep work.


I started off with a comment for you, but instead made it into a picture based guide.


Thanks everyone. Much appreciated
I'll start sanding tonight

Dominic a.

The trend of setting up a home gym has been on the rise lately, and for good reasons. With busy schedules and limited time, it can be challenging to make it to the gym regularly. Plus, some people may feel more comfortable working out in their own space. see this here

John  G.

Hi, it's not a newbie question. I asked my friend who plays a guitar and practice this for 6 months. For primer, a good quality automotive primer would be best. Look for brands like Dupli-Color, Rust-Oleum, or Krylon. Make sure the primer is compatible with the paint you plan to use. For repainting the logo on the headstock, a vinyl cut sticker stencil should be ok. For sanding, my friend advice to start with a coarse grit sandpaper like 80 or 120 to remove the existing finish, hope that helps.

Bruce G.


josh m.

Hi guys, great discussion

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