ESP S/Key Camo on Ebay - real?

ESP S/Key Camo on Ebay - real?

The inlays are not the S and Key that I know this fake or does anyone know the story?


Is this where someone is supposed to say "No Kahler, no Hannemann"?

Stian H.

I prefer the Kahler actually. Keeping the black kahler 2006 eagle inlayed if the camo gets sold :-)

Pushead wrote:

Is this where someone is supposed to say "No Kahler, no Hannemann"?

You bring up a good point. In 2004 Kahler had gone out of business and Jeff still wanted to have the endorsement money coming in with ESP so he authorized them to use a Floyd while a replacement was found. Even during this time Jeff never actually used a Floyd.

Armand Crump told me he would have to find NOS or old Kahlers to send to ESP when they were building Jeff's personal guitars in the mid 2000's. This is why you may see Jeff with some 2000 era guitars with 80's era Kahlers on them.

Stian H.

i have the 2004 catalog btw


Wow, cool! Which catalog (country) had those modified inlays shown? Given the rarity of that thing - you really do have it priced too low IMO :-) 

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Stian H.

Stian H.

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