LTD EC-256 Upgrade Questions

LTD EC-256 Upgrade Questions

HI guys. First post, but long-time ESP owner. I picked up an EC-256 to make into a Drop B beast. Ended up going with a set of Ernie Ball Not Even Slinky strings. It's the satin black model with all black hardware. Looking to upgrade the tuners, bridge, and possibly replacing the bridge pickup. The factory bridge pickup sound isn't horrible, but it could be better. The tuners leave something to desire. I decided to upgrade the bridge after I was unable to set the intonation on three of the strings, even after moving the saddles from one end to the other.

A buddy told me to just upgrade it with the equipment found on the EC-1000, but I'm not sure exactly what factory equipment is on the 1000. I'd prefer to keep the hardware black to match the other hardware already on the guitar.

If you guys have suggestions on upgrades, please list the exact model number of the parts. Post links if that's allowed in the forums. Any help would be greatly appreciated, fellows.


I'm hearing Tone Pro and Gotoh for the bridge, and Gotoh or Schaller for the tuners.

Anyone know which models I'm looking for? I've seen a lot of posts about upgrading the 256, but no one seems to mention which model numbers they used.

Hanry H.

You should consider its relevance. I think EC-1000 is also a good idea. It will become better with 

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