Are LTD EC-1000s with the original logo, photo attached below rare or hard to come across these days?

Nick D.

Hey guys, so i was wondering from the photo attached below are these LTD EC-1000s with original logo and Sperzel tuners hard to come across these days? are they at all rare to find like this or are they just as common as new EC 1000s. i saw one in a local shop a few days ago and was wondering if theyre at all rare to see like this now adays


Well, they're an older model. I don't remember when they phased that logo out, but it was mid 2000s, I'd guess. I don't think there's anything particularly "rare" about it, certainly not enough to get people to spend more money for it.

Nick D.

Fair enough. Thanks for the reply! Wasn’t to sure about this logo and when it changed. 

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