Esp ltd ex-360?

I have my eyes on this guitar, but I'm not sure If should get it or not. I play mostly metal and I have a Peavey Vypyr as my amp. The guitar looks great but what does it sound like? How are the cleans? I know it has Active Pickups but I have never owned a guitar with active pick ups. Active pick ups require batteries to work right? How are they replaced and is it difficult to replace them?

I have my eyes on this guitar, but I'm not sure If should get it or not. I play mostly metal and I have a Peavey Vypyr as my amp. The guitar looks great but what does it sound like? How are the cleans? I know it has Active Pickups but I have never owned a guitar with active pick ups. Active pick ups require batteries to work right? How are they replaced and is it difficult to replace them?

Get the ex360, you'll be glad you did. The active pups are the way to go.


i got an FX260. (didn't want the FX360 = made in china, and i couldn't find a FX401).
the 360 has better pick ups, the ones on the 260 are just... strange. kind of harsh in certain spots. anyway, it got damaged during shipping, so i might get it for free, but THE POINT IS i really didn't like the shorter scale all that much, and the way the body joins the neck makes the higher frets really hard to reach, for me at least. my hand hits the body and i don't want to start adjusting the way i play for one guitar...

and yeah, the active emgs are very good. just unplug your cord when you're done playing to conserve battery life.


I like the natural wood finish, you don't see that very much.


the only issue i can think of is the neck-dive.

due to the shape and light weight, the neck tends to dive when standing.
this bothers some people more than others, but i'd suggest you try one first, before buying.
(event if it's not the same model, but at least the same shape)


Sounds like a big problem, i did have my eyes on an ibanezz guitar though

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