which bass is better?

Can somebody please tell me what is the difference between LTD AX-404 and LTD F-404FM? If you ignore the appearance, which do you think is better in electronics and stuff? I don't know much about electronics, and both basses look pretty much the same. I just want to know your opinion and maybe someone have played both of them and can tell me. thanks already! :) Or maybe they both kind of suck and you can tell me some other good bass to look for...? AX-404 F-404FM

honestly their both basicalllly the same thing just a few differences with the fingerboard, mainly depends on what looks u leik better.
I've heard good things about the f-404 tho.


There basically the same thing. Only real differences are the neck material, scale, and the ax can be string through if you want. Personally I'd go with neither just because I hate the tribal on the basses, but if had to choose I'd say the F, becuase the AX you get in the US is nothing compared to the old Japan one.

Ryan 2%

honestly, go with a B or viper series. every F series i've ever heard starts to sound like crap after a while no matter how well you take care of it. dunno about the ax though


Just go with the guitar you think has the best looks


I'd totally go for the f404fm. it is more of a bass shape than the AX + the red flame mapple is really nice. looks very class. can look both killer and groovy.

Ryan 2%

Just go with the guitar you think has the best looks



that sucks.


big bloody dick

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