Help me figure out how much this Alexi LTD is worth?

Jack R.

So in high school I was a huuuuge bodom/alexi laiho fan and one of the first things I bought for myself after saving up all summer at my first job was a yellow 600 signature series LTD on ebay. It came shipped from texas in pretty miserable shape and wasn't even playable when i took it out of the box and had to spend over $100 in repairs to make it playable again.. i think it was 2011 when i bought it for $650 in the condition it was in.

I had a lot of fun with it over the years but the massive case made it way too big for me to bring to college so it's pretty much sat around in its case since 2014-15 and only been brought out to play maybe a couple of times since then? It feels just like a collector's item nowadays, so I decided to break it out and surprisingly the case held it up in nice condition! I remember it always having fret buzzing issues and rusty hardware, so it was nothing really new but it could definitely use a tune-up to fix the excessive fret buzzing and the replacing all the rusty hardware by the pickup/bridge. I couldn't believe it was still perfectly in tune in drop C as i left it, it still had that ebony smell I always got a whiff of taking it out of the case and the wood has totally held up. A little rusting on the fretliners as well though. I think the W06 on the serial number means this thing was made in '06?

So I'm really just wondering... how much is this thing worth today in its current condition/shape? I remember seeing a lot more listings for these back when I was in the market for it but I have a hard time believing its worth a couple thousand like a couple of the listings I see on ebay/reverb.

Check out some of the pics and any details/info or insight would be highly appeciated!

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