1980s M-VI Help

1980s M-VI Help

Hi. New here because I just purchased this 1980s M-VI from Matt Umanov guitars. It hasn't shown up at my house yet, but I started to look for more information about it by searching ESP catalogs from 1980 up to the mid-90s and the M-VI model doesn't show up.


Wondering if somebody here knows more about these? I thought it was cool looking with an interesting pickup configuration and the red/black look has a Brad Gillis vibe, although I know he was/is a Fernandes guy.


Thanks in advance for any info you might have about this.

M-VI Headstock
M-VI pickups
M-VI Full body

Early to mid 80s. There's not a ton of them out there.

Mark P.

Thanks, that jibes with what Matt Umanov guitars said. Have you (or anybody) ever seen a spec sheet for this thing?

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