ESP Horizon 1997 H-S-H

Hey fellows... I want to show you a particular Horizon's model that was made under specifications of a Brazilian Dealer in that time. This Horizon as you can see has 2 humbuckers and 1 single. I'm lucky to have one of these (there are only a few like this Horizon around here), actually mine is black but I found this great pic of it so I thought I could share with you! I just love this guitar! All right everyone... have a nice day! :cool:

nice :) welcome to the board




Hey Rick,

I recently pikced up a black HSH Horizon, which also seems to have been previously sold through a Brazilian dealer. Please let me know if you read this! It would be cool if you could give me any more info about the guitar, as ESP has no info!




Hey Josh!

Man I 've got a response from ESP's once and the guy said it was made in the late '90s and as the standard horizons didn't come with HSH config. it was probably a specific request from the dealer. He could not give me further info because they don't keep the serial numbers for a long time. 

I've found out that the body wood from the solid colors as ours are alder and if you see one of these in seethrough color it's ash. 

I don't know about you but I love this guitar. It fits me really well. 

I own her since 2001 never had a problem with her, I've just changed the pickups. I use a dimarzio's tone zone (bridge) and a air norton (neck) and each one has a series/parallel control.Cheers!

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