Eclipse Ft

Eclipse Ft
Ok, I don't want to get anybody in trouble here. I want a full thickness eclipse, but I have no foreign contacts. Is there anybody here that can PM me a store where I can get one, or just point me in the right direction somehow? Should I just call up every store in Japan and ask? hahaha I know I probably won't get any responses, but I'm hoping for the best. Thanks for any help Rich

Look at bmusic australia ;) they have alot of ESP's ;) . Maybe they have the FT too :O


Look at bmusic australia ;) they have alot of ESP's ;) . Maybe they have the FT too :O

Great idea.


What is the estimated delivery of your custom?


my custom?? i have not ordered a custom esp :S:S


Yeah man, go for bmusic Australia. That's where mine came from


^ That would be because you're in Australia Liam, I do believe the OP is not, so he's out of luck looking in my direction

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Oops, I forgot that America is the great exception for these things. My bad! Still, buy something different from bmusic instead :D

edit: or I guess the OP could employ an Australian brokerage service to ship it to him. But I dunno about the safety or legalities of that, or whether you'd be willing to ship to a third party to begin with, Shane. I just remember my stepdad did something similar for a car part that couldn't be shipped to Australia from America.


Should I just call up every store in Japan and ask?

they don't sell FTs in japan


Ahh, cool :)


jupp. I bought it for 16500 SKR WITH discount.

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