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kim b.

Congratulation. Very lucky.

concrete cutting bergen county

Art Caveretta


P.S. R.

I had an old SG once & loved it... Congrats....Still playing well I bet


Really great stuff! Congrats to everyone from our car accident lawyer team 


Congratulations. I managed to buy this exact model before it was sold out and have been happy with it. What I love about the Evertune is that it can be setup in "real time"; both intonation and string height can be easily adjusted without loosening the strings.

Terry H.

Hey Thanks Everyone and especially ESP Guitars.  The Viper just hit my front door an hour ago, I plugged into my Blackstar Ht5 and the Viper sounds better than anything else I've run thru it!  The p/u's sound amazing and are surprisingly hot considering they are passive.  One other thing is that it was in absolute perfect tune right out of the box so I guess the evertune does work as advertised!  I still can't believe I actually won this awesome guitar so keep trying everyone it does happen!  Terry Haile 

James H.

Congratulations Dad and thank you ESP Guitars!

Andrew M.


Sy D.

I was so close


Aw well done Terry!

Frederick B.

Congrats Terry!  \m/