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Oliver H.

My first ESP was an LTD Viper-1000, then I purchased an ESP Standard/ E-II Eclipse, and now I've got an ESP Custom Shop Anniversary Eclipse. What's next? Maybe something with an Evertune bridge...



the first  guitar i bought myself was an ec-10, 8 months ago.ive learned to play on it and i play it almost every chance i get.  i love it so much. play it every day. now I'm just waiting for the neil westfall signature to come out so i can buy that and progress even further. 

Jeff W.

I have Gibson's and fender, epiphone..just love my esps

Blake W.

Bought it that day after playing it once, now my main guitar and has been for almost 5yrs

George K.

Sorry I can't, all my ESP guitars are Vipers. Care to change that ESP?!?

Jeff K.

You'll just have to wait for Viper Day, George. If we're invaded by venomous snakes, we'll let you know.  

Cameron 7

I love black guitars! I wish there were cheaper burnt guitars out there like RZK I sadly I am not a fan of the Eclipse or the Gib varient. I guess I must play on one.